Few days ago I was standing in a queue waiting for my turn to be served at a dinner party. As I observed people picking up those ceramic plates and moving, suddenly I realized that there is a beautiful analogy.
The dining plate is not affected by what is being served. It may contain only the boiled vegetables, raw ones or delicious multi course feast. Sometimes, there is a possibility of dishes getting mixed up in that plate. But the plate is totally unaffected by it. Occasionally the food may leave a stain on the plate. But once it goes for a wash, the plate is ready to be served, any kind of food again.
Now for the analogy; the variety of food is our life experiences. They can be sweet, sour, bitter, tasteless, or mixture of many tastes and can be messy also. These experiences may leave some kind of scar also. But our true self is like the dining plate. It does not get affected by what is being served on it!
Meditation, the thoughtless state will make us to be aware that it’s futile to be identified ourselves with the experience that we go through our life. Then even the concerns about life will turn into corner stone of life!