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Practicing ECKHART TOLLE'S teachings

Eckhart Tolle, Spiritual teacher and author of the books ‘Power of Now, and ‘A new Earth’ says - greatest achievement in Life is the ability to let go of thinking when it isn’t needed. Then, we have the choice to think or not to think and we are not at the mercy of our chattering mind!

Very profound statement!

Have you noticed that thinking mind gets drowned in the chattering mind before we realize and we are in the area of worrying?!

The ability to switch ON and OFF the thoughts is the key to be mindful, being in meditation.

We all know that Mindfulness or Meditation is de-stressor, way to health and wellness of body and mind. Yet, most of us fail to adopt it into our daily life!

There are lot of myths about meditation. Some people say it leads to lethargy, some people think meditation has to be learnt and practiced over a long period of time to get any real benefit, should undergo certain religious practices, meditation makes us to ignore our family life, it’s only for people of age 60 years and above, etc.

But meditation is just being in awareness!

Eckhart Tolle’s teachings are simple to understand and practice meditation. However, that simplicity sometimes makes one to ignore the part of being and get into intellectual circus!

You are welcome to explore step by step process to understand experience and practice Meditation and discover its immense benefits. This process does not interfere with your custom, culture and traditions.

So, welcome year 2020, with a clear vision of practicing Eckhart Tolle’s teachings for health and wellness of body and mind!

Let’s dedicate the year 2020 to practice, practice and practice!

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