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Everyone knows that exercising and meditation benefits in enhancing the overall quality of life.

But casual enquiry with any group of people in the role of professionals/business/executives reveal that only a few have incorporated BOTH the exercise and meditation in their life!

However with the increasing incidents of BP/heart/diabetes related ailments, many do some kind of exercise in the form of walking, tread mill, yoga and such things. But when it comes to meditation, it has not been integrated into the daily regimen. Some of the reasons could be the belief that meditation leads to sedentary life style, being spiritual and thereby forgoing many ‘enjoyments’ of life.

Another reason could be the information explosion about meditation. There are as many methods as the number of human beings on this planet! So how to choose and practice is a big dilemma.

Meditation in any form is basically increasing awareness of body, sensory perceptions, nature of thoughts and emotions. And having access to clarity on these things, makes us to meticulously manage stress levels and continuously rejuvenate body and mind, thereby leading to joyful and happy life.

So, SMART meditation is not only very simple but also fits into the busy life schedule of professionals, executives and business personnel. And it smartly fits into the busiest people, home makers also.

SMART meditation’s very basis is ‘DON’T DO MEDITATION, BE IN MEDITATION’. It has four stages - Being aware of sensations in the body, then the awareness of our five senses, nature of thoughts and emotions.

The beauty of SMART meditation is, once learnt over eight sessions of comfortable time frame, it can be practiced all the time, be at office, party and even while speaking and listening to spouse (!), colleagues, music etc.

So being in meditation always brings much more benefits than doing meditation for a particular time and at a particular place!

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