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Suswasa was always fascinated by the stories from ‘Vikram and Betaal’ series. He always fantasized to hear an intriguing story from Betaal directly. One day he was sitting outside his home watching vast, clear blue sky. Suddenly he slipped into day-dreaming.

Suswasa went into the jungle looking for the Betaal. He climbed on a tree to gauge the direction to be taken in that thickly vegetated jungle. Suddenly there was a loud noise. Suswasa was rolling down the slope by the time he came to know of breaking of the branch, on which he was standing. Fortunately, the thick bushes grown on that slope stopped him rolling down further. He slowly opened his eyes and there, the Betaal was hanging from a tree! For anyone that is a horrifying scene, but Suswasa was so relieved that he even forgot the shock of falling down from the tree. Such was his determination to hear story from Betaal.

Suswasa carried the Betaal on his back and started to walk out of the jungle.

And Betaal started to speak; “Do you know why Apple Inc. has half eaten apple as its logo”?

Suswasa did not bother to break his silence, lest the Betaal flies back to the tree in jungle without the story!

Betaal continued - Generally people are crazy to buy iPhone. By the time you save money to buy an iPhone 6S, or more likely in today’s situation, before the EMI comes to an end, iPhone 10 would have been released! That’s cause for frustration. Your success is again ahead of you. You start feeling unsuccessful, not capable of having worthy things in life.

Now do you remember what happened after Adam ate that forbidden apple?!

Half eaten apple – the logo, appeals to your ego.

That’s why all their famous products have prefix ‘i’. And we chase iPod, iMac, iPad, iPhone. It’s all about ‘i’, grandstanding of ‘i’.

After acquiring all those products, what next?

That leads to the question ‘WHO AM I?’

All the spiritual teachers are also coming to that ultimate question right?

Do you see the company motivated by materialism of people and driven by profits and more profits is helping the cause of spiritualism?!

Now I am asking you the same question. Ask yourself WHO AM I?

You know the consequence of not answering. So go ahead.

Suswasa simply answered – “As far as I am concerned, when I start understanding myself without the necessity of words to describe, that’s me”!



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