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Glimpse of Vipassana Meditation.

I attended the Vipassana Meditation camp from 17th Feb to 28th Feb 2016.

Before attending the camp I was wondering what this technique is all about, because we need to observe silence for 10 days and endure sitting cross legged for long hours. But all that trials and tribulations are worth as I experienced the vipassana meditation as it was meant to be!

Well, here is the reproduction of 'what vipassana is' from the website

What Vipassana is:
  • It is a technique that will eradicate suffering.

  • It is a method of mental purification which allows one to face life's tensions and problems in a calm, balanced way.

  • It is an art of living that one can use to make positive contributions to society.


I like to share few experiences among many that were popping up by the moment during the camp!

I generally note down the ideas that pop up during meditative moments in the form of ideas, quotes, poems, article etc in a book.

Below is an image of a page from my book. I got that idea on 4th feb 2016.

I know it may be difficult to read my handwriting and hence same has been reproduced below for better legibility. Please note the addition of word 'equanimity', the vipassana's great contribution!


Avoiding pain and holding pleasure seems to be the guiding principle of life.

But in reality neither we can hold pleasure for long nor we can avoid the pain.

Pain and Pleasure are to be experienced.

The urge to avoid pain and hold the pleasure creates a conflict in the mind.

Just experience both pain and pleasure with equanimity and BE.


One more experience:

All who attend a Vipassana course must conscientiously undertake the five precepts for the duration of the course. And the first one is to abstain from killing any being.

During the registration process, this code of discipline was kept on being emphasized so much that I got thoughts that are these people thinking that we all have committed murders and straight away coming from the prison?

On the day of reporting at the camp center, again there was one form to be filled up and yes, again need to confirm the adherence to the code of discipline. Then process of allotting rooms got over and we were asked to assemble in a hall for a talk. Again, during the talk it was emphasized to abstain from killing! And starting of noble silence was announced.

Again with the thought of - are we coming from the prison? , I slowly walked towards my room.

As I entered my room and was about to sit on my bed, it was a moment of Shakespearean dilemma - To be or not to be!

I noticed a big spider nearby. In the normal course of day to day living, I wouldn't have given a damn thought to pick up a broom or folded news paper and smash it to nirvana!

Nevertheless, I picked up the broom kept in the room, but with fervently requesting the spider to move out of my room. This was the first time, I was requesting the lowly creature spider. Of course all this request was happening in the mind to keep the noble silence. O! Spider, please don't jump erratically as you normally do. I will guide you to the way out of the room with this broom.

Finally I succeeded in my mission to scrupulously maintain the code of discipline.

Towards the end of meditation camp, I realized that observing the pain and pleasure with equanimity is the key to end the struggle of disentangling from the web of misery. I can walk like a spider in the web, as the web is my own making!

I also realized, that on the first day of the camp, I had walked straight from the prison, prison of my own mind!


I need to write a book in order to express the phenomenal understandings that happened during those ten days, but can be summarized as below;

It resonated with some of my truths,

It triggered some of the truths and

It shattered some of the truths!!!



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